
The Luck of the Irish, that there's an O'Key's way to celebrate St. Paddy's Day & Thirsty Thursday!!







GREEN BEER & SCHNAPPS IRISH COFFEE Traditional Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner Served All Day! Alternating Drink Specials,

All Day & All Nite!!

We'll be opening a Wee bit early (1:00pm) so join us after the Parade.... You'll be TICKLED GREEN.

Sat. March 26th 2nd Annual "TROPICANA PARTY" Tropical Drink Specials ENTERTAINMENT Complementary Tropical Buffet Dress Polynesian



Well February was very busy for RITA, she was all over Ohio as usual and also had time to hit New Orleans, Houston and Toronto. Here's some news from all over.

It was nice to see most of the Gay businesses in Akron, Cleveland and Toledo working together at the 1st A.I.D.S. Benefit Auction held at Keys last month.

Speaking of the auction, it was nice of Kevin & Mark to hold the first one and Totie & Mike D. did a great job as Co-Hosts.

Glad to see Dick H. back on the job at the Leather Stallion Saloon. The original leather/levi bar in Ohio is looking real good again!!

Saw Albert working at the Officer's Club in Houston, he's as HOT as


Don, who owns the Rustler Saloon, has admitted to being the father of John H.'s, soon-to-be-born, child. It's great having Grandpa Van back in Cleveland full time.

Randy (Divine) had a wild Birthday Party at Exedra the other night. I liked the part where Mary stuck candles all over his body, and lit them.

The owner of Fred F.'s Tours to Toledo went before the judge and had his name changed to "Miss Finger Lickin' Good".

It seems someone in Canton does not like RITA nor her co-hort Miss Rhinegold Alley, oh well, there's one in every state.

Happy belated birthday to David, sorry I forgot.

Bill F. is the new "First Lady of Toledo" and made quite a splash on his lost weekend in Cleveland.

Ran into Ernesto in Houston and he is real homesick for Cleveland. Houston Dave is now called Baton Rouge Betty. I just loved her Mardi Gras costume, two black eyes and a oan of Lite!!!

James won, the "Miss Exedra Parking Lot Award" for 1983-84.

The Avon Lady, Cupcake & Twinkie went to Toronto and were detained at the boarder, on their return, for rum-running. The Feds couldn't make the charges stick though, because the threesome drank all the evidence.

We hear Totie has clicked his heels, dumped his halo, and left the gray cloudy skys for solid ground.

We are all looking forward to seeing Kitty Litter & Totie working together again at Berlin.

If you haven't heard, Berlin will be opening sometime in April in the building that used to house New Dimensions. John has completly gutted the building and is starting from scratch. Can't wait to see it. We would like to thank Wayne & his staff. at The Outpost & Hotel California in Toronto for the super time they showed the ACTION & Glass City Champions entourage a couple of weekends ago.

Rick H., a past president of the Stallions, Inc., is alive and doing very well in Houston. He said HI to all his brothers.


It seems Eddie got cocktailed-out and forgot he was to run the people events, so Chuck filled in for him and got all the rest of us cocktailed-out also.

Saw the following former Ohio residents in New Orleans & Texas at Mardi Gras time; Lee C. & Lou, 8o, Bob T. & Ron, and Kevin. It was nice to see all those friendly faces.

The Contessa won "The Pig of the Run Award" at Avalanche '83, though some thought John from Keys should have gotten it.

It is great seeing The Androos Sisters performing together again after a year of retirement. The trio is better than ever.

Ran into an old friend from High School days, Eric P. and his lover, Joey. Sure is nice seeing you guys again.

John W. says, "Mike C. has a special wardrobe that only Steve D. sees". What I want to know is,